Everything You Need to Know About Wall-to-Wall CarpetingThe floors of your home can add both functional and aesthetic value to it. Your flooring can have built-in heating for rooms like the bathroom or bedrooms. Alternatively, they can be tiled for easy cleanup in the kitchen or bathroom. Nonetheless, it’s worth noting that flooring often experiences the most wear and tear in a home, so added protection like rugs or wall-to-wall carpets can sometimes be the best solution.

A Brief History of Carpeting

Wall-to-wall carpeting was first popularised in the 1930s in America. It had great success until the 1990s – when minimalistic homes took over. For a long time, bare floors and tech-inspired homes were preferred to more traditional styles. Nowadays, wall-to-wall carpets are making a comeback as people seek more comfort and warmth in their homes.

Different Types of Carpets

There are a lot of different carpets available on the market. Here are three of the main options available:

Cut Pile Carpeting

When carpets are weaved, fibres are hooked through the base material. This creates loops that will make up the outer surface of the carpeting. In cut pile carpeting, the fibre loops are cut, leaving the finish softer.

Looped Pile

Instead of cut loops, looped pile carpets have the initial loops as a final texture. It makes them easier to clean and more durable.

Cut-Loop Pile

Cut-loop pile carpeting combines cut and looped pile methods and is suitable for higher-traffic areas. The blend of textures often creates bold patterns.

The Benefits of Wall-to-Wall Carpeting

Wall-to-wall carpeting is fantastic at insulating a room. Compared to wooden or tile bare floors, carpets will keep the room warm and cool air inside and can make a difference to your energy bill. Carpeting also blocks sounds which can be helpful if you have small children and live above someone else in an apartment building or have a multi-story house.

Another advantage for families with small children or vulnerable seniors is the cushioning carpets provided. In case of an accident, injuries can be less severe with a cushioned floor.

Is Carpeting Expensive?

Carpeting can be affordable or expensive, depending on what you choose. You can get carpets as cheap as $2 to $3 per square meter or as expensive as $200 per square meter. In general, most carpets will cost between $10 and $20 per square meter.

The installation of wall-to-wall carpeting should not be a DIY project. It’s important for you to hire experienced contractors to install it if you want your carpeting to have a long lifespan and look its best. The installation fee will vary with the room size, whether you have stairs and the type of carpet that is being installed.

Roll Out the (Red) Carpet with AHH

If you are considering adding carpeting to your home, Australian Heritage Homes can help you with the process. Get in touch with our team of expert home builders today for a free, no-obligation consultation on all your home design, construction and renovation needs.