Is Vinyl Flooring Right for You Important Factors to ConsiderVinyl is one of the most cost-effective flooring materials for homes, and it is no wonder that it is incredibly popular among homeowners. If you’re thinking of remodelling your home or moving to a new home and renovating it, chances are that one of the questions you’ll have to consider is what kind of flooring to install. In this post, we take a closer look at what exactly vinyl flooring is as well as its pros and cons to help you decide if vinyl flowing is suitable for you.

What is Vinyl Flooring?

Vinyl is a synthetic material that is typically made primarily from PVC, a commonly used type of plastic-like material. In addition to many other uses, including making vinyl records and window frames, vinyl can also be used to make flooring, which typically comes in planks, sheets, or rolls for different applications.

Pros of Vinyl Flooring

When it comes to its use in flooring, vinyl has many advantages, including:

  • Affordability: One of the main draws of vinyl flooring is that it is one of the most affordable flooring materials that you can get. This cost-effectiveness makes it a popular choice amongst homeowners who are on a budget or who simply want new flooring at a low price.
  • DIY-Friendly: Vinyl flooring is also often straightforward to install with self-adhesive backings or click-and-lock systems. This makes them suitable for DIY projects and removes the need to hire a professional installer.
  • Variety: Because it is a synthetically produced material, it also offers significant customizability, and there are countless different styles and designs of vinyl flooring available on the market for you to choose from.

Cons of Vinyl Flooring

However, before you jump straight into re-flooring your home with vinyl, there are some significant disadvantages to vinyl that you should definitely take into consideration. Some of these include:

  • Unsustainability: Because it is a synthetic material, vinyl is also not biodegradable and is thus not the most environmentally friendly flooring material. If sustainable home design is one of your priorities, vinyl flooring may not be your ideal solution.
  • Susceptibility to Scratches and Dents: Compared to other flooring materials such as carpet and hardwood, vinyl flooring is more susceptible to scratches and dents on the surface, which can ruin its visual appearance. Thus, extra care must be taken not to cause such damage to your flooring.
  • Shorter Lifespan: Vinyl also tends to have a shorter lifespan than flooring materials such as tile and hardwood, meaning that you may need to replace it every few years to ensure that your floors remain in good shape.

Let Australian Heritage Homes Help You Decide

If you’re still undecided on whether vinyl flooring is the right choice for you, let us help you decide. Here at Australian Heritage Homes, our team of experts has decades of experience in custom home building, and we would be happy to use that knowledge to help you decide if vinyl flooring is suitable for you. Contact us today for more information!