August Home NewsThe dial on news related to your dream home never stops moving. In fact, sometimes it’s hard to keep up with. That is if you’re not the team at Australian Heritage Homes. We have a lot of skills and strengths, but one of the ones that we’re most proud of is our desire to always share the love when we learn about new and cool things. We won’t always reveal our sources, but you can bet that you’ll always be clued in. That’s why we created the monthly news repositories that we share, and you are just lucky enough to have visited the AHH blog right in time for August’s round-up. Read on for more information.

Hiring a general contractor can be a controversial topic. Some believe that you should absolutely do it, while others are very averse. As we’ve shared in many of our previous posts, there’s no right or wrong answer. There are projects where it makes sense (and sometimes – where it’s absolutely necessary), and there are also projects where you can roll up your sleeves and get creative. The decisive moment is to know the difference and this article helps you realize the major benefits of hiring a general contractor. The long and the short of it is that they help you with a lot of the elements that take a lot of time – and they can do so in a much shorter period of time because they have so much space in this arena. Either way, it’s key to know what they bring to the table. Check out this link for more information.

Hear ye, hear ye, Australia’s most exceptional architecture has been crowned in this year’s round of Houses Awards – according to Broadsheet. As we know on the team, and as we’re sure that you know as readers, architecture can be so subjective. Every household has different needs and wants, and those change all the time. We love these types of articles because they not only inspire you, but they also inspire us – and for good reason. As the article shares, you’ll be able to check out a Brisbane home that looks at unique ways to create individual living spaces, a suburban Melbourne home with quite an innovative courtyard and a historic hat factory that’s been brought back to life. Visit here to learn more. 

As always, we’d be remiss if we didn’t explore the grounds of your home. It’s a common misconception that if you don’t have acres of land, you can’t get creative with the way that you look at your landscaping. To that, we say, absolutely not. In fact, it gives us even more of an incentive to share ways to enhance your gardens and the right ways to do it – regardless of the season. Here is a perfect example of an article with up-to-date tips and tricks that will help you get excited about taking a breath of fresh air and enjoying your hard work. Here is the full article.